Endeavor: Costume Accessories Hunt

Yes… I know I have been MIA.

And yes… I know… I was putting together costumes where their pictures have yet to surface on the internet.

Well fear not… for it is that life (as in the real one) got busy. But isn’t that always the case?

**le sigh**

Anyway, the latest idea / obsession / hobby of mine is cosplaying, except I take it to the extreme. As mentioned in a few previous posts:
A Renaissance Appropriate Costume
Costume Inspirations
Corseted Inspired Costumes
Disney Bounding

I have been putting together various costumes over the past year and a limited number of pictures to show for it. Well with a photographers lined up it is the matter of getting some well crafted accessories to complete the costume.

Blame the thespian in me… without a few accessories here and there, the costume just don’t feel complete to me.

So what am I talking about? Well…

GIPSY DHARMA – footwear
Do not ask me when and how I came across this little gem because I definitely do not remember. What I do remember is that these boots were about as close to perfect as one could get to something suitable for the dusty grounds of a Renaissance Faire.

As for costume appropriate? Well there is a new fairytale related card game coming out later in 2014 that is sure to catch people’s attention.

The premise? Well I would be straying too far, but rest assured that for me a pair of these boots would work well either a few costumes that are slowly being put together. It is just the matter of actually completing a costume… which I am working on, I promise!

Etsy Shop: PINKABSINTHE – Steampunk Accessories
From way out in Poland is a young lady whose one-of-a-kind creations are not only eye-popping but incredibly gorgeous and are must-haves for any Steampunk costume.

From gloves to earrings to headbands and necklaces, each and every piece is carefully crafted and posted on her Facebook Page soon after completion. While most pieces are sold within hours of the original Facebook posting there are a few that are still in existence and are sold in her Etsy shop.

Another gem that I stumbled upon by chance on Facebook, I have been a long term fan and have kept a careful eye on pieces that have been released and weighing the pros and cons of purchasing one on the spot. But one must be careful, wait too long and someone else may have already snatched the item.


So what about the costumes themselves? Well that would require rechurning some material I already posted previously. So instead why don’t I list a few sellers that I have fallen in love with and have every intention of purchasing from down the road (if I haven’t already).

Etsy Shop: THE BOHEMIAN GODDESS – Elphaba Gown
One of these days (preferably before the film version of Wicked is released) I will own one gown for my own stash. I mean look at it! It just screams “gorgeous” all over. Hand crafted and with care… Needless to say I fell in love.

Except I haven’t purchased one yet. Can’t justify the price quite yet. Maybe later in the year. =D

THE MERTAILOR – Mermaid / Merman fins and tops
Ever dreamed of being a mermaid? Live nearby a pool and would butterfly swim to your heart’s content and dreamed of living amongst the mer-people in the underwater kingdom of Atlantis?

I know I have, and imagine my surprise when it came to me that there were whole communities of people living the dreams of mermaids! Take that a step further and there are people whose livelihood is breathing life into the underwater fantasy of mermaids.

So yes, I want a mermaid tail and yes, I have every intention of purchasing a set (probably more likely to be purchased before that of Elphaba) if only so I could to go to the nearest indoor swimming pool and just swim to my heart’s content for hours on end. I mean come on! Who wouldn’t want to do that?

ART BY ARCHEN – Victorian, Medieval, Persian, Japanese costumes
This is a gem that I found while searching all over the internet for someone that could replicate the historically accurate Persian costume / coat. Needless to say, I swooned, hard. This is perfect. The jacket, the top, pants… and as I saw the kimono I was hooked.

Afterall, if one was going to emulate a historically accurate version of Disney’s Princess Jasmine, they have to find someone that could recreate the historic Persian clothes of the time period.

PENDRAGON COSTUMES – Steampunk and Renaissance
No costume accessories / clothing post is complete with my favorite online seller: Pendragon Costumes. Most of my steampunk and renaissance pieces are either inspired by or purchased from them and I would piece them together to create a unique costume of my own.

They also have incredible sets that I have no qualms of purchasing independently down the road like the Sky Queen or the Corset Gown if you are into Steampunk… The Courtesan, The Juliet, and many others for the Renaissance woman in you.


So many choices! Do not get me started on the sheer number of incredibly talented people out there… but for anyone that knows me I am all for getting the best out there (for me anyway) and if it takes me years to get a costume just perfect, then so be it.

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