Monthly Archives: April 2015

Fleeting: Family Online Memorial

My paternal side of the family tree were dealt with two major blows within a two year span. When Thanksgiving 2010 came around, with it came the loss of the family patriarch. Less than two years later the family lost the matriarch over Labor Day weekend. Although we do not celebrate these very American holidays… it is impossible to forget the loss of loved ones from so far during a time where family is paramount. 

Because they chose to stay in the old country during the Fall… it was difficult for the children to communicate with the parents that have instilled strong qualities of survival; to brace themselves in a world that was unfamiliar to them. When the barriers of communications were lifted and the children were able to communicate with the parents again… it was with many new additions of wives, husbands and grandchildren.

So when the children felt the loss of their beloved parents: a Memorial was set up, first via Facebook… and later an independent website to commemorate the lives of these two individuals both of whom were prominent fixtures in the lives of their eight children and numerous grandchildren (with a few great-grandchildren sprinkled in for good measure). 

Within the website there are slideshows of the many branches of the family tree stemming from the lost patriarch and matriarch… through their children and then grandchildren. Memories of the parents from their children’s point of view and moments remembered by the children and grandchildren are all commemorated in this new digital age… and hopefully all of our descendants will grow to love and understand those that came before them.

Fleeting: Online Comics

Something Terrible by Dean Trippe
I really have no idea where to start with this except that after being shown via Upworthy and having a successful Kickstarter campaign to be turned into a hard copy book. This is a must read for anyone out there.

Foxtrot by Bill Amend
Do I really need to say anymore? I mean seriously. I went to a W00tstock when it came to Chicago a few years back and Bill Amend was there and he gave a great monologue that included some of the nerdiest strips that he wrote for the seasons.

HomeStar Runner
This was introduced to me back in college and during my time as a student leader at the university and I have constantly used this as a way to break the ice with incoming freshmen / transfer students. Granted looking back it probably showed my nerdy-side, but ah well.

Kawaii Not
Totally catering to my evil side. Takes harmless everyday things in life and turns them on their head.

Modest Medusa
A friend of mine introduced this series to me a couple of years ago, and I have been hooked since. It just proves that snake ladies can be cool!

Taking geekiness / nerdiness to a whole new level. 🙂

Ensign Sue Must Die and The Wrath of Sue
For the Star Trek and writers out there. Takes the concept of a Mary Sue and really turn it on its head in the Star Trek Universe… well the one based off of J J Abrams version of it.

The Friday Project: Every Friday there is another new piece of entertainment be it a game, or an image. I really don’t know how to explain it, but dammit it’s fun.